Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flak Jacket for Life

A sage I know once said something so profound that I’ve invoked it to settle arguments, foster creative dialog, manage loss and pain, inspire laughter, bring tears, engender peace, and provoke violence.

Theveet said “Fu%k all that dumb sh!t” (sorry, sages are not concerned with petty sensitivity to sounds). Try it the next time you need to respond to the sublime, the unknowable, the unthinkable. It's much more approachable than anything attributed to Lao-Tze, and makes Sartre sound like a navel-gazing poofta by comparison. Frankly, Theveet would "stomp a mud-hole in their asses"...quite an existential dilemma if it should happen to you.

I use it every day.


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