Monday, February 21, 2011

The Third Turn

Beginning, endings, the discipline of bark and limb
Upright against the wind's insistent conversation
Travelling the world from root to tip
Too much compromise snaps the spine

The mysterious cup, the wheel’s driving surface
Fate-filled, held and released
The headrace froths and splashes
My drought is over

Protecting, pleading, still and needing
Do you have a wish, a hope that raises your arms to heaven?
Drawing down, reflecting back, the surplus of fusion
A devotion made sacred with ecstatic tears

The Sun needs no symbol to see
Walk under her, in her, sultry and gracious
Beautiful face golden-limned
Pale skin blushes to ardent hue

Straight and true
Faith-clad and deft
Twice-bladed and blooded
Ware the remorseless edge

Seed bursting, life shaking, bubbling laughter
The future’s jubilant promise
Cherished, nourished, furnished
The smallest things are most important