Monday, January 31, 2011

Mortal Coils and Life's Demands

Love and sex, sex and love, are they really together? Or is one the expression of the other (who's on top?)? Or are they both just deoxyribo-strategies...the ghost in the machine craving/organizing/managing reproductive friction, and getting it any way it can? You can see my bias I suspect, ideolected to public office.

Don't we all want that healthy, clean, and balanced? Trick question, convinced on 'no'. It seems to me that most build all their ambitions around sex and 'love', literally making them life and death for themselves and others. Cultural obsessions, body shape mania, plots and outlines of emotional ambition, jealous rage and euphoric stumbling...Eris likes to watch. There is hope though that you can be subject to it all (like there's a choice unless you're a bodhisattva) without collapsing into it (wanty/needy enough for two myself); be immersed in it (it = the seductive field that physical intimacy humming with pleasant tension and satisfied ambition creates for mating context), consciously creating it, without letting it control I believe, some sages agree. The tail should not wag the dog, but it almost always does; look around and see the (lack of) value placed on building deliberate healthy and lasting love relationships without a superficial validation requirement...bliss-capable realities competing with hopelessly complicated, ill-conceived (or maybe worse, non-conceived) hormonal ambition; those rising, propped, and falling even among your dearest; fantasy beginnings, Grimm endings. QED.

Worst case we're puppets of the nucleic acids as pure reductionists assert (am no convert, useful base though) right? I suppose there is some logic in doing little but chasing validation while our cradle-to-grave strings are pulled, but no amount of urgency and self-satisfaction will make it a well-spent life (maybe you get a pithy/snarky tombstone quote, congrats on that). Eyes open -  many folks doing little but emotional latest-pleasure-seeking or last-pain-avoiding; generating offspring and propelling them into the future to try and scrub the fallout of damage repeated...are things really so bleak that the fight and flight blinders must obscure a sublime better, a way out of that cycle? Something more than trying to win races already run and games long since over. If the future is nothing but constant do-overs...well, what are you mastering there?

Purpose (what is yours? tick-tock) married (a sacred act, not a legal fiction or a safe harbor) to pleasure (created though focus, acceptance, and attention; it's not fated/accidental/predestined if you own it vs it owning you...see addiction, numero tres)...Joseph Campbell calls that a recipe for bliss, and advises we seek it. NOTE: bliss is irreducibly simple and very hard to get at, so no self-congratulatory 'attaboys just cause we're not scared sometimes. He talks about the sacred, the spiritual; relationships that cut the strings and cooperatively, collaboratively exceed the base, the animal. To be a human being, you have to try to be a human being, and you'll need help. Being born a hominid in the here and now is no fast-pass to meaningful/useful life expression, it's just license to consume and grunt while you do the work (or not). There's nothing different about our present/position at all in that regard.

When you can join the opposites of yourself...and family/friends/neighbors/strangers/enemies, thrive among the ambiguities of captivity/liberation warring in your noggin, and channel heroism without getting it confused with have a truly authentic human life. It sounds judgmental, but living all Chokmah and no Binah is bat-shit crazy (romanticized as Emo these days) so suck it up; you choose, you're  responsible, you're accountable. If you want to just scurry, sniff, and flinch while testing out new iterations of your love (it doesn't come from 'other', we generate it right?) till you expire...really?

So full circle?

Love...a spectrum of feeling/experience, but a perfectly direct relationship with it is very difficult (even possible? poets and prophets) to consummate as infatuation and wishful thinking pretend to it - shiny! Maya ya'll, that ain't new. So much preexisting noise and little-e go begging for attention in us all. I hate to say it but the book fairly stitches a Freudian afghan of this together with the a-time-for-everything thread woven into the skein of the passion. The inner child should be remembered fondly but not heard...we shouldn't raise good kids, we should raise good adults ready and willing to create/destroy for more than tingles and flutters, especially in ourselves (lateral props also to Kung Fu Tze and my Moist brothas on this one)

and Sex...wonderful stuff. But...if it's not sacred play (i.e. orgasm-obsessed, tainted with needy validation or control, a means to an ambition)...I'm old enough now to realize (and care when I'm not drunk on lust...happens) that it's often relationship-corroding self-negation. I don't think most folk know or care...understandable considering the distractions; mortal coils and life's demands.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Throw the switch Ybor!

Deep Winter here, so…

How about Tampa? Basic premise: warmth (ice and snow inbound to Mid-Tenn on day of departure), food, roller coasters...Busch Gardens. Stayed down at the Marina (cause I love salt water and boats) and had a celebratory sushi dinner to kick things off, preceded by a pleasant surprise: a filo pastry stuffed with scallops, crab, and garlic in a butter sauce…well played. The sushi was fine, some ngiri (yellowtail and eel), some rolls (without cream cheese…wtf is up with that?); good wine. Pleasant vistas….a scary movie and chocolate decadence for dessert; night finds me sated on all levels.

Next day, coaster day, rain…but I had been clever (for once), and booked a pad day in the middle. So instead of confronting Fla weather (it’s more mercurial than a...), off to Clearwater/St Pete’s. Long story short, started at a most massive used bookstore (300k books on hand), sentimental tugs when old editions of favorites materialize, with an eye out for sorry-we-left-you-behind offerings for the Z; next the Dali Museum -  cheeky, really, this guy was shamelessly comedic and we share appreciation for the cocked hip…walking through his expression, immersing in his thoughtscape as his skills lift off from his 10-year old copying to his 14-year old struggling...suddenly (it seemed to me) the bursting/breaking explosion of talent in his late teens...through the war and exile years and into his late traditional/but-so-not traditional masterworks; quite a trip, great museum; then lunch at Naughti Nancy’s…a tiny little 6-table spot in a quaint Clearwater neighborhood, friendly folk selling some damn fine food. No crab today so the At Choo La was out, but the mussels and clams in Diablo sauce with grilled garlic bread set it up, and the shrimp/chorizo/clam/potato boil knocked it down. Jessi steered (she said she wouldn't judge me if I lifted the bowl of boil broth and quaffed it, so sweet), Nancy herself cooked the food and brought it over, and Corona quenched the thirst while the rain fell down. Great people, authentic grub…worth every second trying to find it.

Temp drops a tad, weather clears, a local NY-style pizza for dinner with a charming little movie...dreams of thrills on the morrow...

Up and out early, mapping Ybor City as part of a dining plot for that night, then off to the park. Chilly for Floridians apparently, the park is lightly attended. Lines are almost non-existent all day; yet another portent that the travel gods are appeased. Montu, Kumba, Sheikra, Gwazi…multiple trips on Kumba and Sheikra, shameless on Sheikra actually, my new favorite followed closely by Seaworld’s Manta. There’s something about hanging face-down for 4 seconds at 200 feet then being dropped 90 degrees in free-fall (more than 3 G’s) before some loops and twists…I laughed like a schoolboy on all of ‘em (even on the Wooden monster Gwazi, which was a violent experience, I felt violated), but that ride had me racing round the line for extra go’s. F U N.

Four and a half hours of roller coasters is plenty, also saw some hyenas and hippos in excellent viewing (rare species to me), one bad-ass Nile Crocodile (he got 2 fences)…good park. Avert your eyes for here comes the heresy: preferred hands-down over the Magic Kingdom. Stopped by the American Victory (a Victory ship of the Merchant Marine, restored lovingly) afterwards…I love naval geometry…an excellent ‘feeling’ activity to wind down from all that tasty adrenaline.

The best? Dinner at the Columbia in Ybor City…I knew the right track was underfoot when passing the historical marker above. A short wait at the bar (established in 1905), then a la tabla vamos. I wont try to describe the place (whole city block, seats 1600 after a multi-million dollar facelift), but it was evocative. A pitcher of Sangria (white (preferred in this case) wine, muddled fruit, orange liqueur, and brandy), the best salad I've had in a long long time, and the tapas de la opciĆ³n: their Casimiri (organic scallops baked in clay casserole with butter and topped with seasoned bread crumbs and white wine), the Alcochofas (baked casserole of shrimp, crabmeat and artichoke hearts topped with grated Romano cheese), and Albondigas (homemade beef meatballs in a mildly spicy tomato sauce). Concluded with Moros y Cristianos (chocolate mousse and rich Spanish custard in a small clay casserole with shaved chocolate)…so named to represent the marriage of the Moorish culture with the (mostly) Visigothic, you can guess which was which. The wait staff were knowledgeable and versed in service, Sangria and salads prepared table-side. The waiter-in-training was Alex, a big Sicilian wearing a name-tag that read Milto (no one but his mother calls him that), who was happy to attend…his trainer was a PROfessional, thanks Kristine.

That’s enough for now (travelogue is tiring), all effortless home again home again after that. Warm, pleasant (avec voluntary terror), fortunate days.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Lee Shore

Two wholes approaching, joining,
Slipping into balance
Promises kept, trust’s pleasant tension
Clasped  hands softly holding

Tribal flag flying, fluttering in time
Rallied round, rejoicing
All communities fail
But not here, not today

Hail in the cornfield
She changes us
Listening again for the first time
Fields whispering promise when the storm ends

Delicate friction, the mother of need
 A mote in the fire’s breath
Longing for fuel and fan
Pleasure smoldering

Still waters, the glass darkly frozen
Welcome bridges unexpected, created and held
Bliss found across their spans
The ice is thin near the tepid shore

We open to each other in love’s sky
Two hearts circling, faithful, hopeful
Our bodies tuning to heaven’s odd meter
Gyring together, orbits opening,  distance closing