Friday, March 2, 2012

Pick Up and Spiel

Enter talking...did I mention a new job and a new four-legged minion...why yes I did. My follow-through is self-taught but I hit through both of those targets. Details will attach as I warm up to this whole sharing thing again.

D'ya miss me? I went primitive there for a while, using technology for the greater good (of my revenue stream) and little else. I have neglected so many people I don't know where to start mea culpas, but consider yourself begged for forgiveness if you're reading this., let's talk small for a bit. Like I said, new gig; back managing folks for fun and profit, my wheelhouse I've been told (since I was a wee tot), though you'd hardly know it from the way I pick it up and put it down. My individual contributor experiment is over for now, but I reserve a place in the coterie if I want to get back into subject-matter-expertise-guydom. Puppy - male, small, pooodlish through-and-through...probably the smartest animal I've ever let into my house. Hard not to smile as he dashes around from one wonder to another (some invisible to the two-legs). What else? Medical fun, the specifics of which I label straight-up're welcome, but my thoughts are colored by the experience. Suffice to say that there's something about a lot of pain and sleep-deprivation that got me re-evaluating where in the health-wealth-wisdom triptych I find the most important elements of subject. My little experience came and went...I can only imagine what it's like to have events overtake you. My compassion grew by what seemed like design, a strange way to get better at basic humanity. Re: that - I have a number you know, next time, phone it in please.

The net net: All big travel xcelled, input/output paths truncated...not making xcuses, just sayin'. Materially: mo money, new-job car (a most proper ride I must say); if you want you can see if you have the nerve for 165; adrenaline washes away all things, kumbaya.

Enough of that, lets spin the big wheel...tickety tickety tick...writing. I made some noise about my writing a while back, then ran headfirst into the buzzsaw legal and financial (soft copy for greed) complexities. It mattered who I had talked to, about what, what I was willing to give up (before I had it), what my marital status was when...aggravated, I punted on third down. When my life gets less complex and moody I'll take new product (add an 's', I haven't been completely idle) back into the market. I'm happy with my body of work as it is today, meager though it be. Some of you may breathe a sigh of relief that I'm circling the field, as you are noticeable ink upon the corpus like or no...some folks (that are blissfully unaware of my proclivity for exxagerat/satir/judg/report -ing) should maybe be grateful that I am not landing literary attempts at success and notoriety at all costs....the costs would be more theirs than mine I think.

Last little bit…Spring is about to be sprung, and I am historically at my most want-to-be productive when I feel  life sparking all over (Dylan T's force in the green fuse for me). That ‘want-to-be’ is a telling admission though, cause a side-effect of that quickening means that this is also my least settled season…where I am prone to re-write playbooks and put together new drives that need time to develop. No coincidence that that coin has two sides (active and divergent) I hear you thinking...touche'. There’s something different in the air for me now though, and it may be that balance and graceful execution are near focus. The last few month’s health-tasked nights and high-gear self-promotion days were binding and liberating in equal measure, and both are positively settled. The distillation? Momentum and expectations are both high, and since so much Winter-me production pushed (a smidge overdosed with ambition and optimism I suppose, happens), Spring-me should be ready and able to pick up the ball and run rabbit run.


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